It’s said that haunted places are usually associated with the death of an occupant or a strong connection between someone deceased and the property. Many different experiences are connected with haunted buildings - items disappearing and reappearing, seeing strange shadows and smelling unfamiliar fragrances, unexplained noises and lights turning on and off are a few. Many supposedly haunted buildings are quite old and have experienced a great deal of history through the years.
Historic Hauntings
Fort Ticonderoga could be said to have all the right history to cause spirits to reside there. The Fort’s history of military conflicts and death from war and disease would certainly seem to have created the right environment. So, in the spirit of “maybe it IS haunted,” once a year the Fort opens in the evening for Garrison Ghost Tours.

Long before the Fort’s restoration was begun, many visitors reported having had unexplained experiences. Some reported the spirit of a young Indian girl could be seen walking around the walls of the Fort. This particular spirit is reported to have jumped from one of the high walls and committed suicide in the 1750’s rather than submit to the demands of a man she did not love.
There is a belief that some of the soldiers from the Revolution, and other wars, walk its halls and walls and inhabit one of its buildings. Serving at the Fort over the course of its military history from 1755-1777 were tens of thousands of soldiers. Disease was the number one killer, not battle injuries.
The Fort on Ghost Hunters
Several years ago, the TV show Ghost Hunters filmed an episode at the Fort. In different parts of the Fort they discovered evidence of paranormal activity. Their recording devices (as well as their own ears and eyes) picked up voices, doors creaking, benches rocking and unexplained thumping. Some of the team members had personal experiences shared with others that evening. There were also some noises they thought were unexplainable for which they did find normal causes. If you can find the episode online, you be the judge - I’m just reporting what I read!
Mistress of the Fort
The spirit of Nancy Coats, who was a mistress of General Anthony Wayne (“Mad” Anthony) is also believed to haunt the Fort. She drowned herself in Lake Champlain upon learning Wayne had supposedly left her for another woman. Her spirit has been seen on the pathways of the Fort, waiting at the gate, and also her body has been reported floating on the water of the lake. Her supposed voice has been heard sobbing around the Fort.
Several sightings of soldiers in upper windows of the barracks have been reported. Additionally, a ghost by the name of Sarah Pell (of the family that began restoring the Fort in the early 20th century) has been seen looking out over the King’s Garden from a window above in the Pavilion. Other individuals over the years have reported red glowing orbs floating throughout several different rooms around the Fort.

Garrison Ghost Tours
Come see for yourself at one of the next two Garrison Ghost Tours taking place on October 10th and 24th. Tours begin promptly at 8 pm. Guests are asked to be on site by 7:45, with the site opening for the evening tour at 7:30 pm. The tours take approximately an hour and thirty minutes, (time probably depending on how many spirits are encountered). You must make advance reservations and tours will take place rain or shine.
In addition to the Garrison Ghost Tours, come experience the Heroic Corn Maze also at the Fort. Make plans to visit this season and stay in the Lake Champlain Region. Check out our lodging and also our entire events calendar.