Submitted by guest blogger John Petro III
On June 9, 2013 my father and I decided to take our boat out to Lincoln Pond, The boat is nothing special; it is a 14' aluminum boat with a 1984 Mercury 4 H.P. motor. When we arrived at Lincoln Pond there was already numerous other boats there.
My personal favorite activity to do while boating is fishing. On that day I was targeting large mouth bass. When we first arrived the fish were biting well, but as the day went on the fish were becoming pickier and did not want to bite. Right before the sun was about to set we decided to fish a deep area with plenty of rocks. After a few casts we decided to cast a couple more times then we were going to go home. On my last cast, I worked my lure close to the boat. Thinking that nothing was going to bite, I began to reel my lure in. About 10' from the boat my rod began to bend and I had a bite. The way the fish bit my lure and the way it first fought I thought the fish was only a decent sized bass. When the fish first came to the boat I couldn't see the fish, but my dad could and he shouted, "Johnny that is a big fish!"
When Dad shouted, the fish took off. My drag was squealing as the fish pulled line off the reel. I looked at my rod and it was almost bent in half. Then I began to realize that the fish was pulling the boat in circles. After a three minute fight of pulling the boat around the fish began to get tired. I reeled the fish close to the boat and my dad scooped the fish out of the water with the net.
To my surprise the fish that had put up that awesome fight was the elusive tiger muskie. The tiger muskie weighed in at seven pounds and was 32" in length. Lincoln pond has been one one of our favorite fishing holes and this is the first tiger muskie either of us has seen.

This is a once in a lifetime catch, and I can't promise that you'll catch a muskie, but you should try Lincoln pond.