Some of our historic events in the region offer up an opportunity to learn while doing. A perfect example is this weekend's Festival of Nations (Sept. 20 - 21) at Crown Point Historic Site on Lake Champlain.
The Crown Point Historic Site is home to the ruins of two forts of the 18th century - the French Fort Frederic (1734) and the British Fort from 1759. Fort Frederic was built when the French claimed the Lake Champlain Region. However, in 1759 the British forced the French out of the region.

In 1910 New York State became the owner of 25 acres of what is now a 360-acre historic site, managed by the State of New York to protect this most historic fort.
The Festival of Nations commemorates the establishment of the fort as a historic site in 1910 and is celebrated jointly by Crown Point Historic Site and Vermont's Chimney Point Historic Site, each at the opposite ends of the Champlain Bridge. There will be interpretive demonstrations of atlati-making, where participants will learn about hunting prior to the bow and arrow. On Saturday, the 21st, museum staff will wear the garb of the period with opportunities for visitors to don the period garb for photo opportunities. This is always a fun and educational event.
Also on tap this weekend will be the ever-popular Fort Ticonderoga Heroic Corn Maze Adventure: Maze by Moonlight. Find your way around the amazing maze in the near-full moon this weekend. Always a hoot.

Farmers Markets are all offering the best of the harvest in the usual locations in Ticonderoga and Elizabethtown.
The Adirondack History Center Museum will be host to a concert by Lee Knight and George "Speedy" Arnold at 6 pm on Friday the 20th.
As the Bass fishing season winds down, Ticonderoga will once again be center stage for Albany Area Bass Masters Fishing Tournament on Lake Champlain on the 21st. On the 22nd Washington County Bass Masters and the Adirondack Bass Club take over with their tournaments.
Be sure to check the complete calendar of events for the complete list of events this week.