Noblewood Park
44.336619, -73.357430
Route 22, Willsboro
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With its sweeping views of Lake Champlain, Vermont's Green Mountains, the Boquet River, and the Adirondack foothills, Noblewood Park is one of the hidden jewels of the Adirondack-Champlain region. Established in 1999 as the result of a partnership between the Town of Willsboro and the Adirondack Nature Conservancy, Noblewood offers both town residents and visitors wonderful opportunities for enjoying the spectacular scenery of the Champlain Valley.


A sandy beach offers hand launch access to Lake Champlain and a protected bay. During the summer, kayaks are available for rent.


Noblewood Park is one of the best birding sites in the Champlain Valley. The wooded trails host a variety of breeding songbirds during the summer and the area can be quite good for species such as brown creeper, pileated woodpecker, and white-breasted nuthatch year round. The sandy spit formed at the mouth of the Boquet River is a good place in late summer and fall to look for migrating shorebirds such as yellowlegs, killdeer, and sanderlings, among others.

American golden plover has even been found here. Gulls also roost on this sand spit, so check through them for any odd species, including little gull in late summer.

In winter and during migration, the bay can host large numbers of ducks. Most of them will be common goldeneye, bufflehead, and greater and lesser scaup, but Barrow’s goldeneye are frequently found in the mixed flocks.


The park has 3 primitive tent sites available for seasonal rental.


Noblewood Park's beach is open daily through the summer from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. $5 per car fee includes use of kayak.

The aerial view of Noblewood Park's distinctive coastline.
The sign leads to a parking area.
Paddlers on the bay, heading for Lake Champlain.
The beach has driftwood sculptures.
Plenty of room to explore the shore.
Plenty of room to explore the shore. The beach has driftwood sculptures. Paddlers on the bay, heading for Lake Champlain. The sign leads to a parking area. The aerial view of Noblewood Park's distinctive coastline.


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