Ticonderoga Marsh
43.837895, -73.394394
LaChute River Delta, Ticonderoga
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Ticonderoga Marsh (often called Ti Marsh) sits tucked in along Lake Champlain where the La Chute River dumps into the lake. The marsh is best accessed by launching a canoe below the falls on the La Chute in the Town of Ticonderoga Recreation Park.


Birders can follow the meandering path of the stream as they look for Red-eyed, Warbling, and Yellow-throated Vireos; Green Herons; Wood Ducks; Red-bellied Woodpeckers; and Louisiana Waterthrushes. The marsh itself may offer birders species like Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Common Gallinule, Pied-billed Grebe, and American and Least Bitterns. A variety of shorebirds may also stop by during migration if water levels are low.

Many waterbirds like this green heron can be seen at Ticonderoga Marsh.
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Many waterbirds like this green heron can be seen at Ticonderoga Marsh.


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