Mouth of the Saranac River
44.700294, -73.447123
Champlain Park, Plattsburgh
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The mouth of the Saranac River in Plattsburgh can be a good place to look for ducks in winter. A small city park provides access to the area, where there is usually always some open water, even in winter. The area also can attract gulls to feed during the cold months. Fall and spring are especially busy with birds here during migration.

Keep an eye open too in town where common feeder birds as well as Northern Mockingbird – a difficult species to find in many places in the North Country – can be found.

How to get there

There are spots to view the lake on both sides of the Saranac River. There is the Samuel Champlain Monument Park on one side and on the other, the Plattsburgh DEC boat launch. There is also a path to a point, with excellent views of the river mouth.

A Northern Mockingbird on a bird bath
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A Northern Mockingbird on a bird bath


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