Dates for this event

Mar 8, 2024

The Living Room Project Party

March 8  - March 8
See More Dates

Let’s hang together at
The Living Room Project Party
Whitcomb’s Gallery

Friday, March 8, 7-10pm

BYOA!  Bring a quirky or beautiful piece of art from your house that has a special meaning to you.  We’ll create a label to tell the story of your painting, photograph, or other artwork.  By the end of the evening, our new gallery walls will be filled with unpredictable art from a cross-section of our community.

The piece you choose can be your original work or by anyone else. If the piece is large or you have any questions about the show, please send an email to You can drop it off at Whitcomb’s on Wednesday, March 6 or Thursday, March 7 or just bring it to the party.

You’ll get it back when the show is over at the end of April.

Come check out Whitcomb’s transformation into a welcoming drop-in-hang-out space for all – with a comfy living room set-up, co-working area and expanded gallery.  Whitcomb’s will be open Tuesdays through Fridays, starting March 12. Details coming soon.

Drinks and music. OK to dress up! Or not!


Rt 22, Whallonsburg, 12936
(518) 963-7777
7:00 - 10:00pm


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